
“Besides being highly competent Willemijn is also highly networked to all levels of education and educational systems in the NL which really made her an indispensable advisor to us…. No problem it seems is insurmountable for Willemijn.”

- Madeleine van der Steege -

All parents want the best for their children, especially when it comes to their schooling. You may have already decided that an international education is the right choice for your child, or you are you still considering Dutch education?

Choosing the right school and the appropriate curricular track, getting your child the special services he or she might need, or even finding support that you and/or your spouse might need can be daunting tasks, especially if you are new to the Netherlands.

Educaide can help. We will lead you step by step, from primary school to graduation, helping your children achieve their ultimate goal-- a fulfilling, stimulating, and productive educational experience.

Educaide provides information on local and international school systems, checks availability of places and sets up appointments.

Educaide can also assist you with any special needs you may have, whether it be finding the right specialists for psychological counselling and testing, remedial academic, and the likes. We can also accompany clients to selected schools if required.

To learn more about the locations of all international schools in the NL.
To learn more about “dutch international education”.
Application form Families for more specific information or to make an appointment.

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